Horizontal pallet StrappingSimple and convenient operation.Automatic ejection strap strapping if no package.Insertion of the strip easily.High reliability and stability.low maintenance
Fruit labeler profesional DP. Labelling to battery designed for use in oranges, lemons, kiwis, pears, apples, mango, peaches and any fruits. New models for larger labels. See them Vídeo 1 Video 2
Hand clipping tool DP1. Manual net clipper for fruit and vegetables packaging mesh was never so easy and economical. With our mesh stapler DP1 can be packaged with minimal investment, any product with extruded nets or woven mesh. Vídeo1 Video 2 Cheap nets clipping machines, staples, clipping wire for closed nets and all consumables for the...
Label printer DGRT730i Label Printer DGRT730i average production. Width of 104 mm. Display, autonomous with USB keyboard. 300 dpi. Speed of 127 mm / sec. Resolution of 300 dpi. TFT color display and navigation buttons for ease of setup. Interfaces including Ethernet, USB, Serial and USB Host. Innovative "C" button to calibrate the label, quickly and easily.
Wine glass label Printer DGP7DN. Printer specially adapted for wineglass labels. Vídeo Vídeo 2
Label printer DGRT730i Label Printer DGRT730i average production. Width of 104 mm. Display, autonomous with USB keyboard. 300 dpi. Speed of 127 mm / sec. Resolution of 300 dpi. TFT color display and navigation buttons for ease of setup. Interfaces including Ethernet, USB, Serial and USB Host. Innovative "C" button to calibrate the label, quickly and easily.
Label dispensers DP Fully metal frame, these automatic label dispensers are ideal for applications in manufacturing and assembly lines. Equipped with a graphic display of 2 lines, to program the feeding length of the label. Sales and service of etiquadoras and label dispenser. Vídeo
Hand laberers for all products. Manual Labeler APN-60Automatic detection of the separation. For rectangular label rolls. Label width 25-60 mm. Tag High 20-60 mm. Label width variable. High label variable.
Net clipping machine Igemsa easypack or dysypack. Packaging in nets fruits and vegetables. Clipping machines semiautomatic. Video Igemsa
Mesh bag making knitted nets. Green knitted mesh zucchini, cucumber and peppers Onion mesh bag, bag of potatoes, bag of oranges, lemons ...in others colors To make bags from 0.5kg to 5kgPossibility to place tie label for traceability control.
Extruded tubular nets for garlic Extruded tubular net is garlic net,tubular net extrudeds for making bags butis and garlic, onions... Improves product presentation while remaining airyVarious models and colors in stock
Net for snails, mussels, walnuts, almonds ... Tubular nets in coil, extra strong for cutting products such as snails, nuts, mussels ...Available in various colors. For manual or automatic use.1000m and 1200m Coils
Clipping wire coopered ( cooper coated) 5 x 0,35mm cassette Clipping wire 5 x 0,35mm.For staplers meshes. In boxes of 5 coils, color copper plating. Form the staple for automatic and semi-automatic clipping machines. Strap mesh copper plating for staplers.Clipping wire machines suitable for easypack, Intermas, Rodapacking and any other.
Pneumatic staplers staples 32 and 35 Stapler to close cartons.Box Sealing insurance and handling difficult
Extra quality sewing thread. Thread for extra quality stitching bags. For sewing jute, paper, raffia, mesh, polymesh, raschel ...High strength and high performanceFor all brands of sewing machines